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The women of First Lutheran Church are part of the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (WELCA), and the group subscribes to the statement of purpose, mission and goals of the churchwide Women of the ELCA, and is committed to do what we can for our community and our world.


Women of the ELCA might also be interested in these helpful websites:
Women of the ELCA - More
Facebook Page for WELCA - More
The Bold Cafe (site designed for young women of the ELCA) - More


In March of 2001, the Women of the ELCA agreed on the following: To mobilize women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ.

  • Connect the Generations: To achieve sustainable inter-generational connections that are meaningful and relevant.

  • Create Community: To build communities that are cohesive, diverse, dynamic, compassionate, and just; based on common interests, concerns, and commitments.

  • Change for the Good: To authentically name, voice, and respond to issues affecting women through awareness, education, action, and advocacy.

  • Capacity Building: To assess the present structure, relationships, and programs of Women of the ELCA in relationship to the Mission.

  • Continuous Improvement: To use demographic information and organizational research as a basis for all planning.

First Lutheran WELCA Leaders

Sandy Young, Contact Person
Linda McCoy, Secretary
Candice Becker, Treasurer
Jan Burdett
Edee Douglas
Rose Jensen
Kathy Bauska


Guild Leaders:
Soul Sisters - Candice Becker
Sarah Guild - Sharyn Sundeen
Mary Guild - Judy Ann Johnson


First Lutheran WELCA members carry out our commitment as pledged in the purpose statement in a variety of ways. Many "WELCA" activities are shared by the church membership at large. As many as can be recalled are listed here. We are an active, vital community.


  • Regular general meetings, Bible studies and Contemplative Group

  • Fellowship activities such as Mother-Daughter and Advent events

  • The annual Harvest Bazaar, First Lutheran WELCA's major fundraiser

  • Sponsoring Peace by Piece ecumenical quilting group

  • Helping plan and present local World Day of Prayer services

  • Lutheran World Relief: Soap, personal care, sewing and school kits, quilts and blankets

  • Thanksgiving and Christmas food and gifts

  • Senior Nutrition Program -- time and money

  • Food and cash donations to local food bank and the warming center

  • Furnishing altar flowers, poinsettias and lilies

  • Cluster, Synodical, & Churchwide participation and support

  • Sewing group

  • Providing magazine exchange

  • Baking cookies for shut-ins

  • Devotional programs and retreats

  • Special events such as the Quilters' Lunch and the Annual Potato Bake

  • Serving at weddings, receptions, and funerals upon request

  • Coordinating Community Meals, a program serving the hungry

  • Providing layettes for local newborns

  • Mission support, local and global: ELCA water project, malaria project, barnyard project

  • Quilting and quilts to fire victims

  • Support for SAFE (formerly Women's Resource Center,) Amani Center, and CASA for Kids

  • Providing altar care

  • Organizing the Prayer Chain

  • Overseeing the Collection Center

  • Keeping kitchen supplied

  • Supporting Vacation Bible School, PULSE and the Parish fund

  • And more......



Upcoming WELCA events: (See the "Skylight" news page.)

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