Quilters and Friends
Quilters and Friends meet weekly, Wednesdays at 10 a.m. in the First Lutheran Fellowship Hall. This group of dedicated quilters had its beginning in the early 1970s when members of LCW asked one of their group to demonstrate crazy quilt techniques to those who wanted to learn. Soon several women were meeting regularly to hand stitch one another's quilts. Over the years, they have earned a reputation for fine work, and have raise significant amounts of money to support women's group activities. They are currently honored by the church at an annual luncheon, and have 'ruled' the use of the Fellowship Hall for over 40 years. There is a record of photos kept of many of the hand-stitched quilts they've made.
In addition to hand stitching, tied quilts are made for Lutheran World
Relief, fire victims, graduating seniors and to sell. Quilters continue to produce
as many quilts as possible as they put to use the tops and backs
previously donated. Some non-quilters come on Wednesdays to
work on other projects or to share coffee or lunch. Anyone interested
can bring a sack lunch and join the fun. We are here every Wednesday
from 10 M TO 2 PM.
Peace by Piece Quilting
Peace by Piece Quilting is an ecumenical group that meets on the second
Thursday of the month at 1 p.m. in the First Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall. We have
participants from several local congregations and the community. First Lutheran
member Katie Garman leads the group and also cuts and assembles the packets
for each quilt block. Mariel McMullen writes a short devotion based on each month's
design, which is read at the meeting. Quilting tips are shared, completed blocks
and quilts are stored, and reports are given on quilt distribution. Quilts are
given to those in the community who need some comfort in their lives, for
whatever the reason. Over 500 quilts have been given away since our start in 2002.
You are welcome to join us.